The following posts are from Japanese Gundam fans talking about Wing Gundam.
◆ No Name
Looks so cool.
◆ No Name
Everyone always focuses on Wing Zero
and Wing Zero Custom,
but I like the original Wing too.
◆ No Name
It’s a really solid machine, with
both offense and defense covered.
◆ No Name
It’s got offense, defense, and even
self-destruction. Truly a top-class unit.
◆ No Name
Self-destruction comes standard on all of them!
◆ No Name
If I had to point out a weakness, maybe
the armor? Even after getting hit by Libra’s
main cannon, it only managed to stay half-intact.
◆ No Name
Way too tough…
◆ No Name
It flies in with Bird Mode, fires the Buster Rifle to
wipe everything out, and then retreats.
And if it does have to fight, the Beam Saber is strong,
the Vulcans are super handy, and the Machine Cannons
are strong enough to turn a Leo into Swiss cheese.
◆ No Name
You can even take down enemies with a
full-force shield bash made of Gundanium Alloy.
◆ No Name
Just flying in with Bird Mode, firing the Buster Rifle,
wiping out everything, and retreating—that alone
is insanely strong.
◆ No Name
For all the talk, it’s actually a really well-balanced suit.
Too bad it gets treated so poorly in the show.
◆ No Name
Considering their missions, this one probably
fits the best.High-speed movement through
transformation and massive firepower in one strike.
◆ No Name
The equipment is just too heavy!
◆ No Name
I like how it’s treated as more of
an extension of its weapons.
◆ No Name
Wasn’t the Buster Rifle only good for three shots?
Could it fire more if you lowered the output?
◆ No Name
At full power, it’s three shots.
If you conserve energy, you might be able
to use it like a regular Beam Rifle.
No clue how many shots you’d get, though.
◆ No Name
As long as there’s some energy left, I guess it
could still fire? But officially, it’s not really clear.
If there’s power left, you’d assume it could shoot,
◆ No Name
In the show, it never fired more than
two shots in a single battle.
The fight ends or the rifle gets tossed
before a third shot.”◆ No Name
There’s that episode, like episode 5,
where it actually fires a third shot.
◆ No Name
Back then, magazines made it sound like it could
only fire three times, and I was honestly worried like,
“Is this Gundam gonna be okay?”
◆ No Name
The old model kit manuals didn’t even mention
any output adjustments for the Buster Rifle”
◆ No Name
Since it has a sub-energy pack, it seems like
it could still fire weaker beams even after using up
the three full shots.
◆ No Name
Watching it in action, firing three of
those shots just feels insane.
◆ No Name
Thinking of it as a hit-and-run assault weapon,
if you find yourself needing more than three shots,
the situation’s already pretty bad.
So honestly, three might be just right.”
◆ No Name
It’s the perfect weapon for assaulting and
destroying enemy bases.
◆ No Name
If only it could bring along Deathscythe’s
Hyper Jammer too…But Wing Gundam doesn’t
really do stealth missions, huh?
◆ No Name
Since it’s made of Gundanium Alloy, it barely shows up
on radar, so Wing has some basic stealth going on.
◆ No Name
In the Endless Waltz version, it has spare cartridges,
so it can fire up to nine shots.
◆ No Name
Nine shots total, including the spares.
◆ No Name
Its evolved form is some crazy thing that can wipe out the
entire solar system, so honestly, the Buster Rifle alone
probably has enough power to destroy Earth.
◆ No Name
Nice posing.
◆ No Name
This is basically a melee-focused Mobile Suit.
◆ No Name
It had a decent amount of action early on.
Though Heero ditched it in episode 1…
And after he self-destructs,
it kind of stops showing up much.
◆ No Name
Episodes 11–17 focus on Maganac, Shenlong,
Tallgeese, Heavyarms, Deathscythe, and Sandrock,
so there wasn’t much room for Wing to take the spotlight.
(They rotated through giving everyone their turn.)”
◆ No Name
It still had scenes though, like saving Relena in
episode 16, and wrecking the spaceport in episode 17.
◆ No Name
It even had some normal appearances
during the Sank Kingdom arc.
◆ No Name
It’s not that it didn’t do anything,
It just didn’t get the kind of big hero moments
you’d expect from the lead suit.
◆ No Name
The second and fourth quarters of the show shifted focus,
and after the upgrades, it just didn’t get much screen time.
◆ No Name
Such a handsome machine.
◆ No Name
I love the backstep it does, firing t
he thrusters from its wings.
◆ No Name
Using the wings for attitude control is just so cool.
◆ No Name
If you wanted to, you could probably
mount the Buster Rifle on a Leo.
◆ No Name
That rifle fires off the amount of energy a mid-sized city
uses in a whole day. Absolute madness.
◆ No Name
Right after using the shield to protect Relena,
he turns around and pierces an enemy with the same shield.
I love the contrast.
Let’s just ignore the wind pressure though.